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Facing a deluge of coding denials? Mitigate risk now.

Central Learning software proactively audits coding accuracy—for all patient types at all times. Web-based coder assessments easily quantify and correlate coder performance. Your hospital pinpoints corrective action and stops crippling reimbursement delays. Here’s how it works:

  • Coders are assigned cases by patient type, category, diagnosis, procedure, or difficulty level.
  • Coders open each case in Central Learning or within your EHR and enter codes using an abstract screen.
  • Central Learning scores each case immediately upon completion.
  • Management graphs, tables and coder skill gap reports are automatically generated to analyze, track, or trend.

Savvy payers are quickly catching up with ICD-10 coding rules. Don’t risk your revenue. Central Learning exposes hidden coding denial dangers today!

Central Learning answers this key hospital executive question:

Will ICD-10 coding denials cause cash flow disaster?

By service line, DRG or care location.

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Faster coding analytics for better revenue management


Identify specific areas of low productivity and accuracy


Target corrective action: coders, physicians and CDI


Protect revenue for specific service lines and DRG shifts

Finding specific gaps in coding accuracy is easy.

Don’t wait for a deluge of denials to know if your coding is correct.
Central Learning resets coding benchmarks and drives better coding accuracy
in ICD-10 today. Let us show you how.